Monday, September 14, 2009

Should I give up or should I just keep on chasing pavements; even if it leads nowhere?

The words of Adele put the most difficult question so beautifully; is he/she the right one? Am I wasting my time? Is this lust or love?

We’ve all thought about it at one time or another in our life… especially those of the LDS faith- the knowledge of eternal marriage and families has a lot to do with wanting to make the right decision.

I assure you, I am in no way ready to leap to the marriage-talk lily pad at the moment. No one in my life. But, that doesn’t mean there won’t ever be someone who makes my thoughts incoherent, someone who can calm my nerves and arouse them all at the same time, someone who I think I love.

I have had crushes. Crushes are the most wonderful thing in the whole, wide world. If you tire of getting the largest grin your face muscles permit as you see that special someone, then go see a therapist. Trust me on this one.

It amazes me that for as long as literature has been around, a crush seems as natural and essential to the human soul as breathing is for the body. We can’t live without it.

Why would we want to?

Adele tells us why. When your crush doesn’t like you back, you feel emotions that you thought were purely fictional. Sad, but true.

Somehow, your beauty melts away like the Wicked Witch of the west, and you have this sticker permanently plastered on your forehead that reads, ‘ I’m a desperate loser, stay away!’ Your hair never looks good enough and you smell like you just got out of the hot puts up Rock Canyon.

This might be an exaggeration, just a wee bit, but you know what I mean- it just plain stinks.

So what’s the moral of the story? I find it interesting that a crush is the most wonderful thing when the dude/gal likes you back, but it also can evoke pain- that emotion we all strive to suppress like a plague.

Like everything good in life, crushes are a double-edged sword. Do not be affair to get hurt. Nothing will happen if you don’t take the first step. This I can testify of.

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