I am signed up for an 'additional flight' for the Utah Hospital Task Force.
To be completely honest, I cried when I read that I would not be flying with the first crew. I want this so badly. The only balm that is soothing this gaping wound of mine is the fact that the most qualified individuals are flying out on Wednesday. They can do the most good. They can save the most lives. They are better equipped for the conditions in Haiti.
I am most grateful for those willing to devote their time and talents to helping those in dire need. Thank you.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
Because I have been given much...
Today I made the most impulsive decision ever in my nearly 21 yrs on this earth.
I walked into work this morning at the usual time, 5 minutes to 7, with a rather different temperament. Things were just different. You know when you can't quite pinpoint the reason? It could have been that the radio wasn't on so I could actually control where my thoughts swam, or maybe it was a firm realization after passing the temple how caddy I could be. I was tailing this dude in front of me that was going 5 below the speed limit. I mean, SERIOUSLY! Who goes below the speed limit before 7am in a college town? Brother apparently felt the need.
It was just one of those mornings.
After reading some random posts on facebook from friends organizing relief trips to Haiti for the past few days, I've been fighting to find ways to get there. The only caveat to my burning desire is moola, or rather, the lack of. I'm saving for an LDS mission, paying for college, and trying to eat:) Don't take this the wrong way, I am grateful for the opportunity to learn how to survive. Many have commented on how difficult such a lifestyle would be... I feel bad for those that think this way. I know I can do it. I've done it. I'm doing it.
Anyway... Haiti. We have brothers and sisters in Haiti that are struggling to find a dry patch of dirt to rest their wounded bodies. Children are parent less. Disease is rampant. Thief becomes even more prominent as conditions get worse.
I punched in. Popped up my Outlook to sift through the never ending queue of emails and found an answer to my prayers.
Our CFO sent an email to all Corporate that read as follows:
Very seldom do I pass on an email to the company like this. However, considering the devastation and the need in Haiti, I would like to pass this along for anyone that is interested.
The email sent me to this website www.UtahHospitalTaskForce.org and after reading the information and additional links, I decided then and there that I wanted to serve those people for 21 days. I'm sure I'm not half as qualified to go as the hundreds of other applicants, but if I can snag one of those plane seats, I will try to give all that I have.
Because I have been given much... I too must give.
I find out tomorrow if I can go. Those members of this relief group leave Wednesday. I might be in Haiti by Thursday of next week. WOW!
I walked into work this morning at the usual time, 5 minutes to 7, with a rather different temperament. Things were just different. You know when you can't quite pinpoint the reason? It could have been that the radio wasn't on so I could actually control where my thoughts swam, or maybe it was a firm realization after passing the temple how caddy I could be. I was tailing this dude in front of me that was going 5 below the speed limit. I mean, SERIOUSLY! Who goes below the speed limit before 7am in a college town? Brother apparently felt the need.
It was just one of those mornings.
After reading some random posts on facebook from friends organizing relief trips to Haiti for the past few days, I've been fighting to find ways to get there. The only caveat to my burning desire is moola, or rather, the lack of. I'm saving for an LDS mission, paying for college, and trying to eat:) Don't take this the wrong way, I am grateful for the opportunity to learn how to survive. Many have commented on how difficult such a lifestyle would be... I feel bad for those that think this way. I know I can do it. I've done it. I'm doing it.
Anyway... Haiti. We have brothers and sisters in Haiti that are struggling to find a dry patch of dirt to rest their wounded bodies. Children are parent less. Disease is rampant. Thief becomes even more prominent as conditions get worse.
I punched in. Popped up my Outlook to sift through the never ending queue of emails and found an answer to my prayers.
Our CFO sent an email to all Corporate that read as follows:
Very seldom do I pass on an email to the company like this. However, considering the devastation and the need in Haiti, I would like to pass this along for anyone that is interested.
The email sent me to this website www.UtahHospitalTaskForce.org and after reading the information and additional links, I decided then and there that I wanted to serve those people for 21 days. I'm sure I'm not half as qualified to go as the hundreds of other applicants, but if I can snag one of those plane seats, I will try to give all that I have.
Because I have been given much... I too must give.
I find out tomorrow if I can go. Those members of this relief group leave Wednesday. I might be in Haiti by Thursday of next week. WOW!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
I aM aLivE
I have neglected you my loyal friends and family members. I call an armistice. Wishing you to accept my apologies for not updating the blogging world on my (depending on who you're talking to) interesting life is not too much to ask right?
Friends have been a lifeline for me as of late. They are the lyrics to my song, they are the p in my pb&j, they completely rock. Laugh at my corny analogy, I couldn't care less.
As I walked out of the library last night to take a phone call from a friend I hadn't heard from in a while, I saw another comrade walk up the stairway. His contagious smile made me giggle. I sat beside this boy in my ridiculously hard chair and struggled to suppress expressing my overwhelming sense of gratitude for everything.
I am a blessed daughter of a most loving Heavenly Father. I was born into a family that already found the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. My family is crazy and they still love me despite my loose tongue. Every night I can kneel down and talk to my best friend. Forgiveness is a broken heart and a contrite spirit away.
Happiness is found in the little things. This realization has once again blossomed.
Friends have been a lifeline for me as of late. They are the lyrics to my song, they are the p in my pb&j, they completely rock. Laugh at my corny analogy, I couldn't care less.
As I walked out of the library last night to take a phone call from a friend I hadn't heard from in a while, I saw another comrade walk up the stairway. His contagious smile made me giggle. I sat beside this boy in my ridiculously hard chair and struggled to suppress expressing my overwhelming sense of gratitude for everything.
I am a blessed daughter of a most loving Heavenly Father. I was born into a family that already found the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. My family is crazy and they still love me despite my loose tongue. Every night I can kneel down and talk to my best friend. Forgiveness is a broken heart and a contrite spirit away.
Happiness is found in the little things. This realization has once again blossomed.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Me aT 1 Am tHis moRniNg
I am not an emotional girl. Occasionally though, like every woman, I get emotional over the silliest things and last night I got emotional. I started crying completely out of the blue. Poor Rachel just listened to my woe's of life and comforted me.
I don't like it when friend boys start liking you and become crazy awkward to be around because they refuse to even look at you.
I don't appreciate kinda liking someone and not knowing what to do when they like you back.
In congruence to my first dislike, I don't like wanting a friend who is just not that into you. Despite your heart being one of the strongest muscles in the body, I can't take hearing my mom telling me he is just not that into me one more time. The truth hurts so badly sometimes.
I am not crazy about the holidays this year. They take away my close friends to all ends of the Continental US leaving me stuck in P-town with snow and lots of time. .
I don't like it when friend boys start liking you and become crazy awkward to be around because they refuse to even look at you.
I don't appreciate kinda liking someone and not knowing what to do when they like you back.
In congruence to my first dislike, I don't like wanting a friend who is just not that into you. Despite your heart being one of the strongest muscles in the body, I can't take hearing my mom telling me he is just not that into me one more time. The truth hurts so badly sometimes.
I am not crazy about the holidays this year. They take away my close friends to all ends of the Continental US leaving me stuck in P-town with snow and lots of time. .
Straight No Chaser
If you have yet to purchase Straight No Chaser's newest Christmas CD called Christmas Cheer, you are seriously missing out. This quality a cappella group will blow your wool socks and cashmere sweaters off. I love them.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Funny Man Beer

I mean, look at the picture dudes. What is there not to love.
Mr. Beer is oh so funny. The man can lay on a blanket in the middle of an Escandido park with homeless bums roaming around taking food from complete teenage strangers and STILL pop off seeming useless history trivia. Not bad in my book.
Shout out to the Beer! Keep it up old man:)
Your faithful fan,
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